The Hancock County Public Library provides superior county-wide library service convenient to and used by all residents through excellent programs and materials in a financially responsible way. We do this one life at a time.This is the vision statement of my employer. I think it's a good vision statement. It answers the big questions: what we do, and how we do it.
Our current strategic plan expires at the end of this year, and I'm charged with leading the effort to construct a new one. I went to a strategic planning Boot Camp offered by the Public Library Association back in October, and my director agreed to the use of the Planning for Results model for the next plan.
Since the training, I've been focused on understanding the model and taking the steps necessary to get it started. I'm happy to report that we're on track to get the plan finished by October and move it through Board approval. It will be in place by 2010 and run through 2012.
Reflecting on this process had made me realize just how important it is to have a clear vision in place. Knowing that the goal is to provide superior library service that's convenient to residents makes it easier to drive this initiative and inspire staff to get involved.
I have high hopes for our new strategic plan. I want it to embody our vision and guide our activities for the next few years.
I'll keep you posted on our progress :-)