Saturday, May 10, 2008

Raiding Bloomington

So, I spent the afternoon in Bloomington today visiting family. It was nice to be back after not having been for a while. We went to a park and played with John's niece, who's 2.5. It was a great day for being outside.

Now I'm watching Raiders of the Lost Ark on USA. Indiana Jones is one of my favorite movie characters, and I'm really excited about the new film coming out in a couple of weeks.

It seems to be the summer of superheroes in 2008. Iron Man was awesome, Ed Norton is playing the Incredible Hulk, and the late Heath Ledger makes a final appearance in the Dark Knight as the wicked Joker. The Avengers teaser after the credits of Iron Man is great. It just leaves me wondering if a Justice League film is on the horizon. That begs the question: is there a Wonder Woman movie in the works too?


Unknown said...

There was a Wonder Woman movie in the works, but it's currently in development hell. Joss Whedon wrote the screenplay.

jason said...

I had heard of the Joss Whedon situation. This is one movie idea that has had its share of problems!