Friday, May 9, 2008


I've been inspired to start a blog again.

I'm starting a new job on June 2 at the Hancock County Public Library. It's going to come with a lot of challenges, as the position is new to their library system.

A recent inspiration comes from listening to a library talk show delivered via TalkShoe called Uncontrolled Vocabulary. The recent discussion of a post from the ACRLog: Sorry, but you can't have it all got me thinking about the fact that I'm a Gen X'er going into library management, and over my 8 or so years in the profession, I've discovered that work-life balance is extremely important.

Another thing I've found out about myself was illuminated when I learned about the ROWE (Results Only Work Environment) concept of allowing employees to work where they're most productive. In my current job at Ball State University Libraries I've found that for a variety of reasons I've resisted my natural tendency to work wherever I wanted to like I did at my last job at IU Bloomington. I'm hoping that the new job will be a bit more flexible.

I feel like my life is at an exciting place. I'm transitioning from academic librarianship to public librarianship, for one. I've recently started taking classes in programming, which I'm enjoying a lot, so that's great, too.

We'll see what happens tomorrow. Until then....


Greg Schwartz said...

Public libraries rule! Nice to see you blogging, Jason. The library world needs more management folks speaking and sharing.

jason said...

Thanks, Greg. I appreciate your support!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason- I found your blog by following the links from others. I hope you are doing great!!!

I'm so interested in your observation of yourself in avoiding working in specific places or areas any the reasons why. I'd love to hear more about your observations sometime.